Virtual Academy for Women in Africa

Your Empowerment Academy for ALL Professionals and Entrepreneurs in Africa

In Africa, learners and entrepreneurs (women especially) are generally faced with a lack of access to:
  • Affordable, world-quality LEARNING CONTENT with the required guidance and mentorship relevant to their specific personal and business requirements.
  • Affordable FINANCE that will provide the relevant parties with access to world-class quality learning institutes .
  • Sustainable MARKETS, where the buyer and the seller are permanently connected
  • Fewer business-orientated NETWORKS in their communities.
  • Culturally induced lack of assertiveness and confidence in their ability to succeed in the business and political environment

    The video on the right provides an insight into some of the services and options that VAWA will provide any aspiring learner and entrepreneur
YOUR Empowerment Academy

VAWA Courses

Featured Courses

VAWA Empowerment Channels

Empowerment Workshops

These workshops will provide professionals with a strong platform to empower themselves to grow personally and professionally by being more empowered and confident.

General Courses (Online)

VAWA will provide learning and upskilling courses ranging from customised businesses and government training content, to general learning content for individuals and institutes content, to general learning content for individuals and institutes. The learning will take place in a real time virtual learning.

Virtual Incubator

VAWA will provide a virtual incubator environment that is modelled on the successful physical business incubator. The VAWA virtual incubator environment will focus on building real relationships, and dealing with the entrepreneurs' needs in real time.

Application Form

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