Mental Health in the Workplace

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  • Author: Penny van der Byl
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Study time: 8 hours
  • Video time: X hours
  • Formative Assess: Yes

Course Overview

Mental health and wellbeing in the workplace are becoming a growing priority for many business leaders and HR professionals. Mental illness in the workplace leads to decreased productivity, increased sick-related absenteeism, poor work quality, wasted materials and even compromised workplace safety.

While it’s not HR’s responsibility to manage their employees’ personal lifestyle choices, they can improve employee well-being within the workplace by implementing a wellness strategy for their companies to ensure employees' psychological, emotional, and social well-being and thereby creating a healthy and thriving company. 

If your company understands the importance of improving both the well being of the company and the employee, this course is for you.
Certification included

What's included?

  • 8 Chapters
  • 1 Certification
  • 5 PDF

What you will learn

You will gain an understanding of:
  • What mental health in the workplace is
  • Definitions and Overview of common mental illnesses
  • How to identify mental health issues
  • How to support staff / colleagues with mental health issues
  • Dealing with a mental health crisis within the workplace
  • Frameworks for supporting staff / colleagues with mental health issues and signposting
  • Implementing accommodations
  • Implementing a strategy within your organisation
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