What our company is about – Read our story
What we are is a proudly South African BBEEE compliant Single Point of Contact (SPOC) DIGITAL Learning Academy that offers engaging learning experiences that go beyond traditional e-Learning platforms.
What Does our company name Re|Mind Mean?
So, let’s look at what Re|Mind Virtual Academy means.
Our company name is an incredibly important part of our identity. We believe it is distinctive, memorable and embodies the feeling of our brand.
Re (ri:rex/) - PREPOSITION:
with reference to
Mind (Mahynd) - NOUN:
the element of a person that enables them to be AWARE of the world and their experiences (to THINK)
Re|Mind - VERB:
Using the mind to totally engage
This is
Our Vision
To be acknowledged as the pioneers of interactive and immersive digital learning, and to become the market leader in this environment in South Africa.
Our Promise
Our commitment is to provide quality and value-based digital education to ensure that all the stakeholders’ learning needs are met and exceeded.
Our Values
We will always be:
1. Learner focused
2. Accessible
3. Committed
4. Energetic
5. Trustworthy
How we Started
the one place that’s supposed to give young people an equal chance at life always has been and is becoming increasingly unequal is education. Inequity between wealthier and poorer people continues to exist.
This brother and sister team were the products of an unequal schooling system and wanted to desperately change this status quo but do it differently. We wanted to create an innovative platform that includes all the solutions in the same educational environment for a successful learning experience.
We started more than 2 years ago, mainly because we were frustrated at the quality and type of engagements that most (if not all) digital learning institutes were (and are still) providing to learners – cookie-cutter, one size fits all learning. In the digital learning world, the learner was/is seen as a passive recipient of mainly video learning content. In addition, everything was focussed on what was convenient to the institute providing the learning – minimum engagement with the learner, maximum cost of the courses, easy to provide, factory-style learning, to name just a few aspects.
When we decided to build our digital school, we felt very strongly about 2 key points that formed the core of our academy’s strategy (and ethos):
• the learner MUST be at the centre of the learning experience
• be digitally focussed, but without losing the human element.
First and foremost, we wanted to put the learner at the centre of the learning experience, EACH AND EVERY SINGLE TIME. And we wanted to do it in a way that they are always fully engaged and immersed at every level in their own learning experience.
We engage the learner at a level and in a manner that is beneficial to them. We do it in various ways, each building off the other.
We Live Our Slogan!
Re-Think How You Learn!
At R|M|V|A, we don't believe that we have to keep learning in the same way that we have since the Industrial Revolution - factory-style conveyor belt learning. Or even since technology defined how we learn - cookie-cutter, video focussed, remote learning, lacking the human element.
At R|M|V|A, our focus is on the learning adventure that we can give you, our learner. Our message to you is:
"Don't be defined by the norm. Don't be restricted by what you believe is how you should be learning in this day and age. Think about what YOU want. About how YOU want to learn."
Final Thoughts
Re|Mind Virtual Academy is on its way to be South Africa’s preferred provider of digital education.
Get a kickstart
Why not contact us at info@rmva.co.za to see how we can provide you with your personalised training and skills enhancement packages.
Simply put, our WHY is to open-up the exciting world of interactive and engaging online learning by providing affordable, quality education to all.
As stated before, the reason for our existence is based on our passion and commitment to the educational future of this country, and how we can help bring this country into the future of education.
With R|M|V|A, you can engage in interactive and immersive learning learn from anywhere, anytime and on any channel.
Check us out www.rmva.co.za
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