Re|Mind Virtual Academy eLearning capabilities and strategies

Electronic learning (or eLearning) refers to learning with the aid of online digital resources. This unconventional approach offers learners access to training materials from anywhere, anytime, and at one’s convenience.

If you’re intrigued by the concept of eLearning, let’s look at the most important eLearning trends Re|Mind Virtual Academy employs to make your learning journey as exciting as possible.

1. Interactive Content

In eLearning, interactive content is learning material that involves the active participation of the learners as opposed to just listening, reading, or watching.

Try handing over large chunks of training text to your learners and see what they do with it? Not just the text but it can be visual, audio, or any other content form? At the beginning of the training, it all seems well and good. But as the days of training/learning pass by, your learners lose the ‘first love’ for learning and must fight hard within against their disengagement.

Truly interactive eLearning courses have the power to transform learning and content into meaningful experiences for learners. Interactive courses help learners retain content longer, allowing them to actively process and apply content, and take their learning back to their daily lives.

How we do it
RMVA is the only online digital school that enables the learner to interactively work with text on the screen/real time. The learner is able to make notes (that are stored for later retrieval), use colour highlights to mark text, and generally work with digital text in exactly the same way that they would with 'written text".

2. Video-based Learning

Video-based learning literally refers to learning experiences facilitated through video. Videos encourage multi-sensory learning because they can involve text, moving images, and sound. Using multiple senses to understand a concept allows learners to make more cognitive connections. It encourages them to understand the concepts better and think deeply.
With the pandemic, organizations, small or big, have taken to technology to support their learning completely through eLearning tools. Consequently, Video-based learning has gained immense prominence.

How we do it
RMVA provides the learner the opportunity to become an active participant with the video content. You no longer have to passively just watch video content. You, as the learner, can engage directly with the video with real time activities such as questions, learning paths, notifications, and so forth. RMVA can determine the level and path of the learner's engagement, allowing them to immerse themselves in the video, rather than just let the video take them down an inert, boring, one-dimensional path.

3. Mobile Learning

Mobile learning (m-learning) encapsulates the ability to progress through course content on one’s own personal device. m-learning introduces the power of anytime, anywhere, providing a plethora of benefits to its recipients.
Mobile-friendly methods allow learners to access information in a quickly and easily, able to pick up learning as and when suits them. Mobile learning offers ultimate accessibility and flexibility to learners.

Over the 8 billion population, about 4 billion people use smartphones as per the latest stats why not use that to your advantage and yet we see that most of the time organizations have failed to create a mobile-friendly platform for eLearning for their learners and therefore Mobile Learning is certainly the most underestimated and underexplored eLearning trend by Corporates, Higher Education, and training organisations. Mobile learning is the next generation of training.

How we do it
We create an experience specifically designed for mobile phones, which gives students continuous access to information, materials, and resources. It can provide the best in visual learning content as well as more traditional text-based material.
The Mobile Learning App is fully synchronized with our school’s Course Player to keep your curriculum consistent across the environments easily. Think of it as a single central hub of our course content in which each change is instantly synchronized across all our students’ devices.

We can personalise our push notifications to target a specific segment of learners, teams, or divisions and customize the messaging approach based on the different needs of each group.

The offline video feature of our mobile app enables users to download video content from within the app and watch them anytime they wish, whether they have an internet connection or not!
The mobile app is tablet-friendly, as it will fully function and look beautiful on any Android or iPad tablet device as well.

4. Social Learning

At its essence, social learning is the continuous process of learning from other people. We are learning socially when we observe other people, ask questions, and share knowledge resources. 

The Homo Sapiens become two groups when it comes to learning. The first group is those who learn by themselves. But the second ones are those who need someone to help or study along with them.

If you ignore the second type of learners when you design your learning platform or L&D strategies, you will put aside the needs of half of your learners. That’s when Social Learning steps in to make a holistic learning platform.

How we do it
All users have their own public profile that showcases their activity, their contribution to the community, their achievements, and the courses they are following. The profile is both a mirror and a networking hub that motivates learners to achieve more, to understand, but also to compare their progress against their colleagues and exchange ideas, tips, share your experiences, and enjoy the support of like-minded members!

Learners who feel part of a community, are more likely to be engaged and motivated to learn. Not only does it reinforce the feeling of belonging – considering that learners are thousands of miles away from each other, but also it reminds them they are working towards a common goal/cause.

5. Gamification

Gamification is adding game mechanics into nongame environments, like a website, online community, learning management system or business' intranet to increase participation. The goal of gamification is to engage with consumers, employees, and partners to inspire collaborate, share and interact.

One of the most soul-destroying things you do, but do somehow for survival, is going through monotonous files of learning material. Thanks to the Gamification that addresses the un- engagement of learning contents. For that reason, it makes into the list of the eLearning trends 2022 and beyond.

How we do it
We believe that online learning is different from offline, and this is where gamification comes in. We offer gamified learning which allows you to hold contests, offer prizes and rewards.

This means we can award our learners with badges, offer virtual currency or points, use leaderboards and so many more. Using gamification elements to boost learner engagement which ultimately allows us to create an engaging, fun, and inclusive learning experience.
We have the ability to add game-like elements to any training course which creates an engaging learning environment motivating learners to accomplish more.

6. Micro Learning

Microlearning is an organizational training method that delivers short bursts of on-demand content for learners to study at their convenience. By presenting information in bite-sized chunks, learners can retain information better.

Micro learning delivers the results that Macro learning doesn’t. However, Micro learning is mutually inclusive with Macro learning. This eLearning trend shows itself as a viable option to accomplish the goals of Macro learning/training.

How we do it
We use Microlearning as a training delivery method where learning units are brief (“bite-sized”) – usually between 3 to 7 minutes. The learner focuses on what they need to learn without getting overwhelmed with peripheral information, achieving higher levels of knowledge retention.

For example we can break down features and functions to help example your customers to start using your product and complete simple tasks before they explore more advanced features. We can do this for example, with a brief, animated how-to-video, where we can help them set up the software and create their account. Then, they can gradually move on to complicated functions, always following a similar logic and mapping out a breakdown of steps.

7. Learning Analytics

Learning analytics can be used to dissect a student's interactions with the LMS and present a meaningful understanding of both use and engagement. Through learning analytics, a student's interactions and contributions with the LMS are logged and available for further analysis.

The eLearning without Learning Analytics is likened to a game without a scorecard. And your investment in the L&D simply goes down the drain.

How we do it
We have advanced reporting features and user analytics, the LMS allows you to see how learners are using and interacting with the learning material. This information allows us to optimize results further and create a more personalized learning experience for our users.

With advanced analytics, we are able to track the overall learner progress, activity, and performance. We are able to closely monitor user logins, sign-ups, enrolments, completion reports, have a dedicated user dashboard, and a gradebook that shows assessment scores or grades. With a powerful source of data we make more informed decisions and improve learning retention.

Future adds

Re|Mind Virtual Academy is working to incorporate other eLearning trends such as Adaptive Learning, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR & VR), etc. But they are still in the budding stage and will be available soon.

We believe that the ability of AR and VR to immerse learners in alternative realities and help transform their learning experiences is not only revolutionary but also avant-garde. Learners can participate in hands-on eLearning courses where they find themselves working with virtual objects and grasping concepts in low risk simulated environments. These innovative technologies can enhance scientific and technical job skills and performance, medical simulations, including virtual surgeries, and the manufacturing industry’s research and development processes and outcomes.


Re|Mind Virtual Academy is a highly innovative organisation that makes it possible to interact with a widely diverse platform of students without the "brick and mortar “overhead that continues to make education too expensive for many students. It allows for the one-on-one contact with students who have very specific questions that need to be thoroughly answered, instead of sitting in a typical lecture hall with hundreds of others holding onto their unanswered questions.

Get a kickstart

Why not contact us at to see how we can provide you with your personalised training and skills PLATFORM  packages.


Simply put, our WHY is to open-up the exciting world of interactive and engaging online learning by providing affordable, quality education to all.
As stated before, the reason for our existence is based on our passion and commitment to the educational future of this country, and how we can help bring this country into the future of education.

With R|M|V|A, you can engage in interactive and immersive learning learn from anywhere, anytime and on any channel.

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