Why Coding classes for kids are a must
Coding for kids has gained popularity rapidly in recent years as technology becomes increasingly part of everyday life. Kids who learn to code when they're young can set themselves up for a lifetime of opportunities for success. Coding for kids not only helps improve their mathematics and writing skills but also gives them valuable skills in life and eventually in the workforce. There are various reasons why coding is important to learn and why coding should be taught in schools from an early age.
Holistic development means evolving cognitive, creative, and social skills of a child to prepare them better for their interaction with the world. Learning to code is proven to nurture and enhance cognitive and social skills in children and better prepare them for the oncoming digital era.
It is known that coding can:
Develop key skills
Learning to code helps improve a child’s logical thinking and problem-solving skills by 70%, also enabling them to perform better at school.
Prepare for the future
Children need to learn coding and develop digital skills if they want to be successful in the technology-driven job market of the future.
The learning style adopted
Our unique and engaging coding curriculum is tailored to the learning style of every child that is why we have adopted a holistic learning hybrid personalised for each child by considering:
Bloom's Taxonomy is a standard guideline for K-12 content development, which includes 6 stages of learning - remember, understand, apply, analyse, evaluate & create.
BIDE (Broad, Inspiring, Deep & Efficient) model is developed by Codingal in-house to make the curriculum cater to the unique learning abilities of each child.
Our curriculum is also designed around STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths) learning methodology that helps to connect their daily learnings with technology.
Our STEM-focused curriculum makes coding a learning aid and helps kids develop a deeper understanding of the subjects they study at school.
STEM.org Accredited Educational Experience
STEM.org Educational Research (SER) is the longest continually operating STEM education research and credentialing organization that has served over 4,500 schools, districts, and organizations in over 25 countries.
The STEM.org Accreditation is awarded to institutions that develop 21st century skills, have an original curriculum revolving around STEM, adequately incorporate technology into classes, and offer hands-on STEM-based activities.
STEM.org Accreditation is awarded by STEM.org Educational Research (SER) after thoroughly examining and evaluating the educational institution's curriculum, teachers, and courses for efficiency, effectiveness, and quality.
Our focus is on enriching core competencies in kids throughout their coding journey.
Get a kickstart
Why not contact us at info@rmva.co.za to see how we can provide you with your personalised training and skills enhancement packages.
Simply put, our WHY is to open-up the exciting world of interactive and engaging online learning by providing affordable, quality education to all.
As stated before, the reason for our existence is based on our passion and commitment to the educational future of this country, and how we can help bring this country into the future of education.
With R|M|V|A, you can engage in interactive and immersive learning learn from anywhere, anytime and on any channel.
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