Owning the great idea

This is the 2nd blog in a series focussed on digital entrepreneurship in South Africa.

Why Digital Entrepreneurship?

There’s no denying that being your own boss totally rocks. Wearing pj’s all day and working during your most productive hours (even if that’s in the middle of the night) is only the tip of the iceberg.

Remember though, setting out in any new direction, whether that be a new business, a new career, or a new relationship initially you experience “the honeymoon phase” whereby everything is fresh and new. You will love the feeling of freedom and making a fresh start gives you. But no matter what that new thing is, after a while the novelty wears off and reality kicks in, because building your dream business that makes a good profit always takes longer than you think.

And sooner or later, you will be presented with a challenge or making enough money to support yourself and/or your family, that can make you feel uncomfortable at the thought of dealing with. You will start to get very worried, and second guess your decision that you were so proud of and excited about.

To own the idea and to better cope with the new entrepreneurship challenges perhaps think of the following:

Look at your vision

When it comes to owning the great idea first and foremost, you need to bring clarity by establishing your vision. Vision is at the heart of starting a business and should remain there.

Drafting a clear, concise vision statement will help keep you on the path, and act as a constant reminder of goals and owning your idea. This vision statement will come in handy as your business evolves, and you begin adding team members and structure to your organization.

Need for a new mindset

There is a need for a new type of mindset, people with an entrepreneurial mindset are those who passionately seek new opportunities and facilitate actions aimed at exploiting these opportunities, entrepreneurial people recognise opportunities, take risks, seize opportunities, and ultimately feel satisfaction and owning your idea.

Passionate learners

Digital entrepreneurs need to be passionate learners to stay ahead of trends and remain relevant. The digital world is full of information and interactions that are sources of inspiration and ideas. Continuous learning allows an entrepreneur to uncover new opportunities and explore new strategies and understanding owning your idea. 

Lead with passion

Leading with passion can enable you to establish a vision, mission, messaging, content, mindset, and energy which can attract clients and partners that best relate to you. Passion allows you to confidently explain and owning your idea as to what you do and why it is needed, and it helps you in the times when you are feeling the most stuck.

The harsh reality is that nine out of 10 start-ups will fail. However, taking the time to develop and own your idea can help you start to filter what has potential to turn into a true business, and what’s better left on the cutting room floor.

No initial infrastructure or fixed costs are required

You can also add to this list the fact that you don’t need a large physical infrastructure for the development of your digital business. In fact, you can work from anywhere in the world. Between The Digital Business Agency (www.thedba.co.za) and Re|Mind Virtual Academy (www.rmva.co.za), you’re not only taught what to do in setting up and running your digital business, but you’re only provide with the practical services of establishing and growing your digital business with your unique presence.


Simply put, our WHY is to open-up the exciting world of interactive and engaging online learning by providing affordable, quality education to all.
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With R|M|V|A, you can engage in interactive and immersive learning learn from anywhere, anytime and on any channel.

Check us out www.rmva.co.za 
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